Leonidas, and the last
stand at Thermopylae
28mm figure by Gorgon Miniatures
Spartan King Leonidas' heroic leadership is immortalized in
paintings, epic poems, movies, books, and graphic novels. He
and a small band of Spartans with other Greeks held fast
against a vast invading Persian army for days, until they
were overrun in the most famous "Last Stand" in western
military history.
Pericles the "Statesman" of Athens
28mm figure by Xyston Miniatures
Pericles prosecuted the start of the Peloponnesian
War. His strategy was flawed, and he died of the
plague at Athens that was a result of his war plans. Who
knows what would have happened if he had lived to change

hoplites never die, they just get re-based
are a key part of the hoplite's "look". The big round shields
offer a lot of painting room even in 28mm. These older figures
have combinations of hand painted designs as well as home made
and store bought transfers.
Epaminondas the "Tactician" of Thebes
figure conversion of a Newline Designs and Corvus Belli Head
Epaminondas was the most famous Theban
general. His tactical brilliance defeated Sparta at Leuctra.
He settled the city of Megalopolis with freed helots and
thus hamstrung the Spartan slave based economy. However, he
too died in battle in his last great victory over Sparta and
their dwindling allies, including the Athenians. Thebes gained
control of Greece for a generation, until the Macedonians
overturned them.
King Cleombrotus "The
Feckless" of Sparta
28mm figure by Xyston Miniatures.
Cleombrotus was the Spartan King and
general at the battle of Leuctra in 371 BC. Spartan military
dominance over Greece began its end there. Was he
overconfident or too drunk, who knows? However he died on
the battlefield, first Spartan king to die in battle since

Spartan shield designs and
make your own
Persian War era Spartans and early
shield designs, and a how-to
make your own transfers.
Brasidas the "Bold"
Strategos of Sparta
28mm figure by Footsore Miniatures.
Brasidas was
one Sparta's best generals. He was seriously wounded at
Pylos, but later marched a small force north to the
Chalcidice peninsula and seized Athenian held cities by bold
moves. He was killed in battle, routing Cleon and the
Athenian army at Amphipolis.
Socrates, Philosopher
Soldier of Athens
28mm figure by Reaper Miniatures,
vignette by Vendel and Foundry.
was not only one of the great thinkers and philosophers of
all time, he was also a war hero, enduring the hardships of
war. His bravery and steadfastness saved the lives of his
comrades in arms.
Callimachus, The Polemarch
the Athenian war leader (polemarchos) fought at the head of
the Athenians at the battle of Marathon in 490 BC. He was
killed leading the charge.