Miniaturistic Stuff





Newline 28mm Seleucid War elephant

Part Two:  Painting the Beastie

Now that it is preped, I can start adding color.  The first step is to block in color.  I am mostly using Ceramcoat paints, but I have some nicer Vallejo paints, that I will use later, especially on the metal bits.



Here's the model blocked in:




This is simple on a model like this, large solid areas are separated by tones. Later I will build up with highlights, and then use washes to darken areas.

Here the red quilt is blocked in solidly with red. The armor areas are painted brown since I like that best as an undertone for bronze, if I was going to paint the scale as iron, I would not have blocked in the area with brown.


Here I've added some highlights, and blocked in where I want some trim and where I want the tusks to have armor.  I have been building up the detail on the skin, it shows up lighter in the photo than to the naked eye.  It's hard to cover the crudeness of the quilt drapery here, I'm hoping another pass and adding the tower will deflect one's eyes from that.


I've assembled and added the tower.  It wasn't all that easy to put together, but some rubber bands helped.  I'm more pleased with the quilt now that I've added the tower, and have a rough pass on the lightning edge design. It seem to be breaking up the large area nicely. 

I added the first layer of bronze after spraying the whole model with Testor's Dullcoat.   I seal before I add metallic paint because I don't want to frost the metal bits.   I like shiny metal bits on my models, because I like to see the sheen on the helmets as described in the Maccabees.



Here it is mostly complete. I have added some highlights to the metal. First I gave the metal a wash of gloss clearcoat mixed with black. This seeped into the deep cracks, giving the scales and plates a bit of an edge. Some areas were given further pop by adding some shiny brass highlights. It always looks nicer if you don't highlight every scale, large areas like this need some interest.  I grabbed a couple of old Foundry shields and filed them down.  I used sculpting green putty to glue them on, and some left over to fill the hole where the screw was holding my cork-screw handling rig in place.

The last steps will happen when I get the crew done and everything is attached to a base.


That's it for part Two.




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Miniaturistic Stuff


  Part One:     The parts. Reference. Priming and prep work.

  Part Two:     Painting the beastie.

  Part Three:  The crew and basing.

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