Alexander the Great clarifications and error corrections v.1.2

I hesitate to use the words 'errata' as that has an official sounding ring to it.  Instead the following suggestions are offered as an unofficial guide to fixing some of the errors and wording problems that have cropped up since AtG has been in release. I intend to keep this as a live document and add items as they crop up from time to time.  Most of these are little goofs and fix wording that was unclear, or omitted. So far the Lion's share of these really are clarifications, with very  few revisions. If there is a question then hopefully these suggestions will show the "intent" better.

Thanks to everybody that has enjoyed AtG so far, I hope that the following errors and omissions are forgiven.

Jeff Jonas 9/26/03


New Additions as of 02/24/04 in RED

New Additions as of 05/06/04 in BLUE


Notes 02/24/04:

1) I removed the 0-1 General notation, if player wish to not have a general then that is entirely their choice.


Overall Rules:
Page 5: Oracles effects: Units in skirmish formation may not use oracles.


Falling Back In Good Order
(Although omitted in the book it was intended that Falling Back in Good Order be a part of the rules for AtG play)

see   for more new rules and errata.

Clarification: In general in AtG, assume all "Allied" troops must follow army list rules and restrictions. (For example, kirata bowmen could not outnumber spearmen as allies from the Mountain Indian list. However the Mauryan Indian may take Persian Noble Levy cavalry without restrictions since that unit type is singularly listed)

Optional Rules:

Mixed Armour: John Burn suggest a simpler option to AtG's rule. A unit capable of mixed armour unit adds +1 pt to each model in the unit. It will gain a light armour save to the front only, similar to half-barding. Apply this to hoplite and phalanx units.

Macedonian army lists:
Page 20: One model may be upgraded to a Leader (+5 pts), and another to a Musician (+5pts) in each unit.

Page 20: Alexander the Great: Oracles are rolled after deployment is finished, that is when the game starts!

Page 25: epigonoi phalanx. There is no combined formation, please ignore the special rule. Note that Agema pezhetairoi are allowed with Epigonoi.

Page 25: Phalangites should  be a category header, with Hypaspists, Pezhetairoi and Agema underneath.

Page 25: Experimental Phalanx and Persian Companions: should be labeled (EX)
Clarification: The EX label really does’t mean anything other than to allow elephants, it is there to identify troops that Alexander never really used in battle, but was planning on using in his further adventures. It is only a guideline to separate the real troops from the what-ifs.

Page 26: Imperial Macedonian Allies: (clarifications) You may use the following as a guideline for your historical allies selections:

Under Late Achaemenid Persians: Persian cavalry and levies are allowed, but no Persian infantry (meaning melophorai, satrapal, or
kardakes), and no scythed chariots are allowed. No Persian characters are allowed.

Under Indians: This should be labeled, Indian and Mountain Indians: Elephant escorts, cavalry, and mercenary infantry, may be taken from the Indian list. Parapamisidae cavalry and kirata tribesmen may be taken from the Mountain Indian list.

Under Thracians: No wagons are allowed.

Greek mercenaries list:

Note: Greek Mercenaries must have a polemarch to be able to use the army General's leadership or a Battle standard bearer's re-roll. The polemarch must be on the table, and not fleeing to allow this.  The unit must be in range of the army General as normal, but needs no other consideration.

If the polemarch is fleeing or dead then Greek mercenaries may no longer use the army general or battle standard's re-roll, unless they are attached. In most cases the hiring armies characters are not allowed to join mercenaries at all.

Page 79: A mercenary unit may upgrade one model to a Leader (+5 pts), and another to a Musician (+5pts).
Page 79: Xenagos. Change to 0-1 xenagos. Equipment: Same as the *polemarch* above.
Clarification: A xenagos may be taken instead of the polemarch, and gains the special Polemarch abilities.

Page 80: 0-1 Greek horse (remove the 0-1), the special rules take precedence. Cretan archers may be taken if a hoplite, peltast, or a Greek cavalry unit is taken.

Thracian army list:

Page 83: Warriors:  Equipment: (historical addition) 0-1 unit may replace javelins with slings (free). Special rules: add: Bowmen and slingers may only skirmish. Slingers may not be the largest skirmisher unit.


Rhomphaia Option: Duncan Head suggests that the Rhomphaia is slightly mis-represented based on current information, most notably Christopher Webber's latest research in his Thracian Osprey publication. The Thracian soldier already has the sword stat so he may just as well opt for that attack if he wants to retain a shield save. Of course the player may just as easily assume his Thracians are actually using their rhomphaias one-handed like a sword, rather than drop their special weapons for a side weapon.

Fall of Persia army list:

Page 92: Army Composition/Characters: “A maximum of one Satrap may be taken”, etc.  replace with:  A maximum of one Satrap may be taken for each Persian unit (excepting scythed chariots), (satrapal) levies, and shock cavalry unit in the army.

Page 92/93: The Army General may be either the Great King or the Satrapal general.

Page 93:  Clarification: The special rules for Satrapal Guards refer to the 0-1 Persians statline.  Each unit type may combine only with similar troops. So melophoroi must be with melophoroi, Persians with only Persians, and kardakes only with kardakes. So you could have kardakes archers with kardakes spearmen, even though the rear ranks are light infantry, that situation is at least covered in the combined formation description on page 4.

Also note that melophorai should be melophoroi.


See  for optional kardakes clarifications.

Page 93: Question: "Do Kardakes only become Light Infantry if all the unit is armed with, slings, javelins or bows?"
Answer: If any kardakes take slings, javelins or bows then the whole unit is light infantry. Kardakes that take only spears and shields are formed
troops that may have full rank bonuses.


Page 93: Levies: Shock Cavalry; Clarification: Every second unit may be Noble Cavalry, the validating units are: Satrapal Cav and/or Colonist Cav.

Page 94: Question: "Satrapal levies are listed with the combined formation "skill" - Yet you are only allowed bow armed troops for every second unit. Does the combined formation overule this?"
Answer: The restriction still applies even if a unit is combined with bowmen. So you could have a unit of mixed spear and javelins,
and then you could have a unit of mixed spear and bows. I tend to believe that the mixed formation was somewhat gone by Alexander's era, so I field
units of either spear or bow, not combined.

Page 94: Bithynian allies: No wagons should be taken.

Page 94: Question "Who is used to Elephants in the Persian army?"
Answer: Cavalry and chariots from the End of Persia list, are never "used to elephants" no matter where they get them.
To be precise this would apply to any mounted character on horse or chariot, Kinsmen, Persian cavalry, scythed chariots, Noble, Satrapal, and Colonist
shock cavalry, and Dahae/Skythian, and skirmisher cavalry. The intent is to present an army list that can take an elephant that is not fully integrated
in the army. I would go so far as to say that in regards to this the Persians are a special case army. In a tournament where all armies with
elephants are deemed "used to them",  Persians still should not be, but that is of course up to the tournament organizer to decide.  Indian allies however would be "used to the beasts", but other allied troops would not.

Frontier Horsemen army list:
Page 100: Frontier Horsemen: Add: Only Footmen armed with javelins may skirmish.

Indian army lists:
Page 109: Infantry/Mercenaries: May have longbow +3 pts, or may have shields, throwing spears *and* javelins +3 pts.

Page 114: Followers of deceased Brahman Priests, check for suicides at the start of the Indian player’s turn.

Page 115: Question: "If Nobles are taken as an allied part of a Mauryan Indian Army must they take a corresponding unit of other shock horsemen?"
Answer: No. In this case Noble cavalry (representing Saka or Bactrians in this case) are expressly listed, so the unit validation is waived. Normally when allied troop grouping are listed as a whole, one would expect unit validations to be followed. For example to get Nobles in an Imperial Macedonian army one bring along their retainers as colonist cavalry/or satrapal cavalry.


Page 52: Phocian Stone Throwers. The Terror check associated with these is intended to be used only for this scenario. A stricken unit that fails the Terror check will flee directly away from the Stone Thrower model, even if this carries it off the table. The stone thrower models or crew themselves do not cause terror or fear.  Terror was chosen for this effect because it is a one time occurrence.  Note, players could play three scenarios, the first would involve the Terror of the stone throwers, the second could remove that effect , the third could have the Phocians lose their Thessalian allies.

Clarification: John Burn notes that Phocians can have very few Thessalian cavalry if the 10% cavalry is used.   Assume the 10% limit only applies to Greek horse, and Thessalian cavalry are taken from the Greek mercenaries pool of 50%.

Text issues:

Page 18: Duncan Head most emphatically lets me know that I have propagated a myth yet again relating to blue haired or tatooed Agrianians. My reference was indeed an old WRG Phil Barker publication that apparently mistakes the tribe called Agathyrsi as Agrianians, and even the question of Agathyrsi tattooing is somewhat debatable.

Page 50: Split sarissas.... yes it is entirely artist's license.

Page 74:   States that Glaucus of Aetolia is the Greek polemarch, and on page 76, Paron of Phocis is identified. They were both at that fracas, so you may choose which one to use as the polemarch, or you may substitute both as xenagoi, only one would still count as "the polemarch" . One character can then be assigned to each unit of Hoplites.

Page 80: Hoplites blurb: The word "not" should be replaced with *only*.

Page 86: The sentence from the first column to the second does not read right, and should say: “For the most part, the Illyrian warrior is depicted as wearing a baldric and an unbelted sleeveless tunic.”

Page 93: Scythed chariots refer to "pages 70-71" for further rules...unfortunately it should be page 95

Page 122: Alexander’s assault force OOB. Nicanor should be replaced by Antigenes as a Taxiarchos. Seleucus was in charge of the Hypaspists this day and symbolically is the Second in Command. Players may wish to instead make Coenus the Sub-General if they wish him to carry out a flank march. In this case Seleucus is reduced to Taxiarchos.

Page 126: In all cases Dr. Nick Sekunda is misspelled as Secunda, please extend my apologies to Dr. Sekunda as his fine works are an inspiration to all of us ancient gamers. For some reason I had a mental block against spelling his name with a 'k' and I replicated that error into the book.. I am truly sorry.


Map   issues:

On the inside front cover the Lower map of Alexander's Eastern Campaigns has the Persian Gulf labeled as the Red Sea.. I have severely chastised the Map maker for not catching this error.

Please let me know if you find any new items!

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