The greatest reward for someone who goes through the effort to create a game booklet such as Warhammer Alexander the Great is to find out that folks are out there having fun playing games from it and are enjoying collecting miniature armies all over the world. Here's some photos from a club in Perth Australia sent to me by Carlo Pagano. Carlo organized an Early Successors mini-campaign based on the game I hosted at Historicon a number of years ago. In between his photos are some thoughts on how he put together the event, with a few comments from me. So the question I always wonder about.. do the dice roll more sixes down under because of the spin?
Jeff Jonas 05/11/07
23 April 2007
Hi Jeff,
Tournament was played on the weekend and if I do say so myself, was a raging success.
Eight players with Eumenes (me!) getting over the top
in the last round. Of course, I could not award anything to myself so the Greeks came
first, Ptolemy second and Seleucids third. The east overwhelmingly won the weekend over
the west.
Prizes were awarded for best baggage, worst use of elephants, best generals death etc.
Lots of fun.
I ended up adding a fourth game at the players request which became a doubles match-up
within factions 1=4, 2 = 3 vs the equivalent in the other faction. Worked very well.
I will put together a full write-up for the players and yourself in the coming weeks and
will probably try and send something off to Battlegames or WI at some time for some fun.
Thanks again for all your help. I have included a few pictures.
15 March 2007
Hi Jeff,
Play tested scenario two -,Accidental engagement last night. Very good again. Two players
are painting figures especially for the day and one
other chap brought down his figures for the first time last night - stacks of Foundry and
Newline. Bloody fantastic. Will take heaps of pictures on the day and send through.
Question - does the camp garrison also test for panic from breaking friends etc or are
they immune?
(Jeff: Glad to hear that somebody is having a good time of it.
Scythed chariots will probably be D6 +3 in the next book.
As for the camp guards, best to make them immune. I hope to see the pictures!)
28 February 2007
Hi Jeff,
We played our first two "familiarization" games last night at the club using the
"Dash for Cash" scenario. Greek Rebellion v Ptolemy and Eumenes v
Antigonos. Big victories for Ptolemy and Eumenes. More importantly, great fun
from the six players who participated all of whom will be in the tournament. Both of
the above also captured the loot though Eumenes (me) only managed to gain it after hitting
a phalanx in the flank and routing it and the eleventh hour. Dropped and pocketed -
thank you very much!
I wanted to see how they handled the rules on baggage camps/guards and the no-deployment
zone. Since we are playing on 8 x 4 foot tables, I have reduced this to 6 inches and
the deployment zone being no more than twelve inches in and six inches from the sides of
the table. In addition I have kept your rule on no deployment of friendly troops in
the six inch baggage zone.
Ideally 5 foot wide tables would be best but we have two foot square terrain tiles and ...
well...what the hell can you do! We will adapt and overcome. However I was
toying with the idea of preventing march moves in turn one but have abandoned it due to
the disadvantage it will give sweeping flanking moves early in the game etc.
BTW - what is the Lucky Seven rule for some of the characters?
(Jeff: Lucky Seven is an unmodified re-roll that a player may
choose instead of a regular dice roll
once per game)
Cheers and keep you posted.
22 February 2007
Hi Jeff,
Just a quick update on how the preparations are going for the tournament.
All players have now chosen their faction and will have their lists in within one month. I
can guarantee you that they will struggle with 2200
point armies since we are so used to playing 3000 points as a MINIMUM in our games.
"Why can't I afford the companions and the Tarentines?" has already been the
catch-phrase. Fantastic. Ten players confirmed - one terrain board to make up (Egypt and
Syria - the rest we have) and my ruined Acropolis (it finally arrived from Grendel) to
paint up, Indian Shrine and Egyptian ruins to finish modeling, and the old Naismiths to
In terms of the lists, a good friend of mine Scott Robertson in Queensland I know has play
tested your Successors supplement and if it
is OK with you, I might phone him to get some advice on the lists that the guys are
putting together to ensure the Early Successor feel is there (no cataphracts!).
Do you have just the draft lists available or are they too confidential at this stage
prior to publishing? Anything you can let me have once
again would be in strictest confidence and not digitally reproduced or handed out. One
master copy for reference at the club on a Wednesday
night. No problems if it cannot be done - once again appreciate everything you have given
me so far and couldn't be happier either way.
Either way, I am sure we can get the right "feel" which is critical.
Leader board is being planned and I will get that printed digitally on foam card so it can
be a good three feet by two feet and dominate the hall (put those DBMer's to shame).
Laurel Wreaths will be bronze medal coins I have (ten as it so happens).
Guys are madly painting up the miniatures they have had in boxes under beds etc to have at
least a general and one unit of phalangites of their own on the board. It really has them
all excited which is what it is all about. I had a couple of the chaps come up to me and
tell me that they are reading up about their chosen Generals and never realized what a
fascinating period the Successors was.
If they keep that kind of enthusiasm up, we will both be very happy I think.
Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you here in Perth at all - as I feel
terribly guilty taking up your time and constantly asking for favours.
Don't fancy a trip to sunny Western Australia do you?
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Hi Jeff,
Happy New Year and best wishes from Perth, Western Australia.
I am very pleased to let you know that my Later Persians had a magnificent victory
against 4000points of very poor dice throwing Macedonians last Wednesday. It was
truly a wonderful sight to behold and the Great King himself contemplated charging
down a flank of exposed peltasts! Obviously, contemplation is all that he
did...but...but the point is that victory was ours.
Thanks ever so much on help with the lists as I used this as a strong basis for the
skeleton of my own 4000 point force.
We are hoping to run an eight player mini-campaign early this year not that
dissimilar to what you have previously presented on your excellent site and I was
hoping to find out if you have a format we can copy from in terms of battles,
points, different scenarios and special campaign rules.
Anything you could provide us with would be greatly appreciated and of course given
strict confidentiality.
Hope to hear from you soon.
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